Saturday, March 28, 2009

The New Season Has Begun

I don't go geocaching during the winter. Many do, but I don't. So it's been a long time since I had a chance to go prowling through the country side, looking for hidden treasure. Today the weather was perfect. The sun was shining and the temperature was heading up to 15C. We thought we would take advantage of the lovely day, and see what we could find.

The cache was on a back road, which basically leads to cottages and summer camps. We had never been down that particular road before, though we had driven by it on many occasions. Actually, there is probably no reason for us to go down there ever again, but we just might sometime, since I didn't happen to have the camera with me on this occasion.

This was apparently the 70th cache we have found so far, according to the stats on my profile at The waypoints took us to a beaver pond, and you didn't have to walk very far, or search very hard to find this particular cache. So, if you are new to this activity, this might be a good one for you to try.

Because I didn't have the camera with me today, I can't show you where we went. But since people often ask me what sort of things we find when we are using multi-billion dollar military satelites to hunt for Tupper Ware in the woods, I thought it might be a good time to show a picture of some of the things we have found in the past. Today, by the way, I brought home a nice beading kit and I'm thrilled because it happens to contain beads of the right colours for a project I'm planning. And no, it's not in the picture above, as that was taken last August.