Two of the caches were at graveyards. At the first one (GC15CY7) it was a matter of not being able to see the forest for the trees. When you have a preconceived notion of where to look, you often don’t see what staring you right in the face.
At the other graveyard (GC15CT1) contains a crypt with grapevines and raspberry canes, but that looks okay. There was one other grave that was totally uncared for, in the midst of all those that must have been under perpetual care. It stood out as it was totally overgrown with vines and other wild vegetation.
There are lots of nice trees, but no "pictures" at the Fairgrounds (GCJNBB). On the other hand, there is a really nice picnic spot near a smaller park where we found a working interactive sundial (GC15CQR). The cache was a micro though, so, while normally you just get to sign the log, I actually found some interesting beads in there.
The best cache of the day was along the Napanee River. (GC165J4) First you had to find how to get to the park, and then you had to follow a trail to the cache. This was much more the kind of geocaching I like to do. The hint told us to look out for bugs, and that was an excellent warning as they were definitely hungry in there.